Home NECA Northeastern Illinois & IBEW Locals 117. 150, 461
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Labor Management Plus 5 Plan

A Partnership that Provides Quality

The Northeastern Illinois NECA and IBEW Local Unions 117, 150 and 461 have a positive working relationship and together they form the Northeastern Illinois Labor Management Cooperative Committee (LMCC). This means your project will be completed by a team of highly trained professionals dedicated to teamwork and providing safe, high-quality, cost-effective, electrical construction work completed on time and within budget.

The Northeastern Illinois LMCC members work closely together to strengthen the economy of Northeastern Illinois by offering fair work practices and wages; providing quality services, ethical standards, competitive bids, excellent safety records and partnering solutions; and by training and educating our electricians.

Contractors represented by the Northeastern Illinois NECA and IBEW electricians deliver the following benefits to customers:

  • Teamwork
  • Thorough training
  • Cost-efficiency
  • Professionalism
  • Quality workmanship
  • High safety standards
  • Certification

To ensure unsurpassed levels of training, NECA and IBEW jointly fund and operate an apprenticeship training program which strives to produce experienced, skilled, certified electricians. This program also provides continuing education to ensure that all of our union electricians are up-to-speed in the latest cutting-edge technologies in electrical construction.




Contractor and Electrician

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